Day 4 – Southern Ocean – Mother duty

mother duty

Today I have been on Mother duty.

Cooking at 45 degrees is hard. You’ve read the blogs…so have I. They don’t even begin to convey how hard it is! Like cooking Christmas dinner n the North Face!

The last 3 days have been tough. 45 degrees, winds gusting up to 75knts….some masterful helming from the team.

Plenty more dousings on deck. Don’t even need to be on the bow! Waves crashing over our heads near constantly.

Thankfully it’s let up a bit today. Managed to shake out a few reefs and put some more headsail up. There is even the shape of the sun behind lighter grey clouds! Happiness is.

More later
Love to all

How I can help...

Tousled food truck polaroid, salvia bespoke small batch Pinterest Marfa. Fingerstache authentic craft beer, food truck Banksy.


Consultancy and training to implement and integrate digital health products and services within the UK.


Making a tangible and positive difference to people’s lives by speaking, consultancy, and training in mental health.


A published author capable of copywriting and editing for magazines, newspapers, white papers, novels and more!

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